Product Description
Treatment for Pigeons that lay eggs with the soft shell
It's certainly a problem, and worst of all, depending on who you're talking to, you get a different "solution".
This is because the problem can be caused by different causes:
◽ Lack of calcium
◽ Lack of vitamins that fix calcium; vitamin D in this case
◽ Lack of magnesium, which is responsible for the regulation of calcium in the organism of pigeons
◽ Some physical problem that prevents the pigeon from forming the good quality eggshell
Of course, we rule out the physical problem as the cause of the problem since, in that case, this treatment is pointless.
Necessary products for TREATMENT
• Vi-Spu-Min, vitamins. minerals and amino acids• Klaus Grit Korallalgen, coral grit enriched with phosphorus and calcium.• Rohnfried Leckerstein, stone enriched with iodine and magnesium.• Klaus Vitamina AD3e 500ml, beneficial for fertility in pigeons.
The treatment
• As a rule, we will always have freely available Klaus Grit Korallalgen (grit rich in calcium and phosphorous) and Rohnfried Leckerstein.• During the first 10 days, we add Vi-Spu-Min to the food (5gr per kg of food, previously moistened with lemon juice or, better still, with a good mixture of oils).• During the first 5 days of treatment with Vi-Spu-Min, add Klaus VITAMIN A-D3-E to the drinking water at a dose of 1 ml per liter of drinking water.• This treatment should be done with separate pigeons, or males separated from females, but should be applied to both.