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Rohnfried Blitzform 100ml

Rohnfried Blitzform 100ml (The famous Race Booster by Rohnfried). Pigeon Products

The world famous race boost as used by Heinz-Willi Ritz and Gaby Vandenabeele
Product ID: 14749
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Product Description


Blitzform by Röhnfried, the world famous race boost as used by Heinz-Willi Ritz and Gaby Vandenabeele.

To improve performance and disinfect trough water. High-performance pigeons cannot just be given grain feed and water. The pigeons will be in top form with Blitzform! The pigeons will return home 5 to 10 minutes earlier! Because they will be in top form with Blitzform by Röhnfried. Blitzform will ensure that racing pigeons are in top form and therefore fly faster.

The health of the racing pigeons is significantly improved as a result of the easily absorbable iodine and iron and their body’s defences and their vitality also improves.

Blitzform gives the pigeons a clean throat, shiny eyes, snow-white noses, shiny plumage and a pink breast with small stains. The organic iron contained in it facilitates the production of red blood cells, which transport oxygen in the blood.

- Rich in Iodine, Blitzform helps to stimulate the birds metabolism and thyroid gland. Thyroid activity is closely correlated to sexual fervour, essential to the widowhood cocks.
- The active iron content assists in the formation of red blood cells, vitally important to oxygen uptake in the blood.
- Great benefit will be gained from adding Blitzform to the drinking water during the racing season.

- To improve performance during the racing period: every day 5 ml per 2-3 litres (2ml/litre) of clear drinking water.
- On very hot days increase amount of water to 5 litres.
- On the day of the flight only give clear water!
- During breeding and moult: 5 ml per 5 litre (1ml/litre) clear drinking water 1-2 times per week.
- To disinfect the trough water during the rest of the year: Once a week 5 ml per 5 litres (1ml/litre) drinking water.

- 100ml

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