Product Description
Save £2: Kit Improver + Antifungal, by Pigeon Vitality, (the perfect combination). For Racing Pigeons
Buying this pack you SAVE £2
Product Plan during Racing Season.
- Saturday: Racing Day
- Sunday, monday: 1 to 2 measure spoon of Improver & AntiFungal in 5 liters of water (for 100 Pigeons).
- Wednesday: Clear water with Multi-Vitamins.
- The other days: Clear water
Can be mixed with Electrolytes, Multi-Vitamins, Canker medicine
Product Plan during Breeding Season
Everyday: Half a measure spoon of Improver & AntiFungal in 5 liters of water (for 50 couples).
Can be mixed with Electrolytes, Multi-Vitamins, Canker medicine
Product Plan for Young Pigeons
Everyday: Half a measure spoon of Improver & AntiFungal in 5 liters of water (for 50 couples).
Can be mixed with Electrolytes, Multi-Vitamins, Canker medicine
Product Plan during Molting Season
Everyday: Half a measure spoon of Improver & AntiFungal in 5 liters of water (for 50 couples).
Can be mixed with Electrolytes, Multi-Vitamins, Canker medicine