Product Description
Healthy, strong and disease-free birds throughout the year
This trick is based on the combination of 3 products:
◽ Prowins Probibac Bird (probiotics + electrolytes + vitamins), to regenerate the intestinal microflora and correct the lack of minerals that may not have been absorbed due to poor diet or diarrhea
◽ Endosan, to stimulate digestion and detoxify the organism.
◽ Avimedica Aviferr, rich in iron and iodine, to stimulate the thyroid gland and eliminate existing bacteria or fungi in the digestive system.
The preparation mode is very simple; Mix in 1 kilo of breeding paste:• 1ml of Endosan• 2,5ml of Avimedica Aviferr• A tablespoon of Prowins Probibac BirdWe mix well in 1 kilo of food and we give it to the birds twice a week all the year.
The results will be spectacular
• Birds will get much sicker, minimizing outbreaks of salmonella, e-coli, fungi and other infections.• Improves the digestive process of the birds• It helps to detoxify the body, especially the liver and kidneys• Improves the physical condition and the state of shape of the birds