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Items 1 to 15 of 76 total

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  • Pantex Colimix 100gr (Treatment against Colibacillosis and Adeno-coli)

    Pantex Colimix 100gr (Treatment against Colibacillosis and Adeno-coli)

    Out of stock. Pre-order NOW. More units on the way

    Out of stock

  • Adeno Green 100ml

    Adeno Green 100ml, (Extra Strong treatment against Adenovirus and E-coli). For Pigeons

  • Master 4 in 1 50gr

    Master 4 in 1 100g, (All in One treatment in powder form). Racing Pigeons and Cage Birds

  • NUEVO Prowins Total Protection Powder Pack

    NEW Prowins Total Protection Pack, (total protection for your pigeons and birds)

    Starting at: £15.99

  • Prowins Black Spot Plus 100 gr

    Prowins Black Spot Plus 100 g. The 100% natural solution. For birds

  • Prowins Super Drops TRIPLE ACCIÓN

    Prowins Super Drops TRIPLE ACTION 30ml, (eye & nose drops).

  • Prowins Yellow Boost Powder 125 tabs

    Prowins Yellow Boost Powder, 100 + 25 tablets FREE, (Power and muscular endurance). For Pigeons

  • Prowins Megabac Plus 50 gr

    Prowins Megabac Plus 50 gr, (Megabacteria). The 100% natural solution. For birds

  • Prowins SalmoX Gotas 30ml

    Prowins SalmoX Drops 30ml, (100% natural antibiotic against salmonellosis and e-coli). For Pigeons

  • 3 x 2

    Cocci Plus 60 Tabs

    Cocci Plus 60 Tabs (treatment of resistant coccidiosis). For pigeons

  • Nifurmyn Plus Drops 30ml

    Nifurmyn Plus Drops 5 in 1. (The All-In-One solution for Pigeons and Birds)

  • Master Combi Plus 50 Tabs

    Master Combi Plus 50 Tabs (Trichomoniasis and Coccidiosis). For pigeons

  • Prowins Super Breeding 250 tabs

    Prowins Super Breeding 250 Tabs (Healthy and strong chicks).

  • Master Fungi-Plus 50 Tabs

    Master Fungi-Plus 50 Tabs (fungal infections). For pigeons

  • Avianvet Máscara Roja Muda Jilgueros 100gr

    Avianvet Máscara Roja Muda Jilgueros 100gr (Enhances the colouring of the goldfinch's mask and favours the change of plumage)


Items 1 to 15 of 76 total

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Online Shopping for Racing Pigeon Products, Supplies and Pigeon Medicines