Featured Products
Nifurmyn Plus Liquid 5 in 1. (The All-In-One solution for Pigeons and Birds)
£17.50 -
Individual treatment against Adenovirus in Pigeons
Starting at: £12.30
Dac Respiratory 4+ 50 tabs (5 in 1 tablets). Racing Pigeons Products
£11.86 -
DGK Powder 39 (Orni-Omni-R Mix) 100 capsules, (against respiratory and intestinal infections)
£27.86 -
Vanhee Vanasept Nature 12500, 500ml (optimal airway). For Racing Pigeons
£15.88 -
Pharma (Dr. Van Der Sluis) Total Disinfection Combination 150gr, (all in one treatment)
£36.85 -
Belgica de Weerd A.S. Anti Slijm 10x5gr Box, (mucus in the throat)
£24.08Out of stock
BelgaVet Broncho 500ml, (to cleanse and purify the respiratory system)
£21.80 -
DGK Powder 40 (Orni-Omni-R Mix) 100 gr, (against very severe respiratory and intestinal infections)
£30.56 -
Pantex T-Plus 100gr, (water soluble powder combination for respiratory tract diseases)
£21.50Out of stock. Pre-order NOW. More units on the way -
The Red Pigeon Bronx 500 ml, (keeps the airways in perfect condition)
£14.50Out of stock
DGK Powder 31 (SES-V Mix) 100gr, (against SEVERE respiratory & intestinal infections)
£27.86 -
Tollisan Broncho Sprint 100gr, (amazing product to treat respiratory tract diseases)
£32.99 -
Natural Bronchial Care 500ml, (respiratory tract in optimal conditions)
£17.06Out of stock
DGK Super Ornithosis Mix 100 gr, (highly effective treatment against ornithosis and other diseases)