Product Description
Backs Backsi-Gen 250 ml (liquid yeast);Pigeon Products
Backsi-Gen contains all amino acids that are necessary for building up muscles and feathers as well as group B vitamins and enzymes that are necessary for the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates in the organism. Moreover Backsi-Gen contains the vitamins E and C to strengthen the immune system. The recipe makes Backsi-Gen as an all-round product which should be used in every loft during breeding, rearing, racing and moulting seasons.
1. Better oxygen absorption
2. Preservation of stamina
3. Healthy cell metabolism
4. Maintenance of the natural gut flora
5. Improvement in efficiency and with it ability to handle stress!
- Backsi-Gen should be administered 2 x a week when preparing for breeding, during rearing, to young pigeons weaned and during the moulting season.
- During the racing season, depending on the difficulty of the previous race, 2-3 times a week.
- Moisten the feed with 5 ml for 20 pigeons and dry the feed off with VI-SPU-MIN, Terra-Mineral, Meister-Mix or Backsivit.
- 250 ml bottle