Product Description
Naturavit Plus 500ml, Highly concentrated multi-vitamin liquid for Racing Pigeons & Birds
Highly concentrated multi-vitamin liquid. The conditions of confinement in a pigeon loft do not always provide for a completely balanced source of vitamins. This product provides all of the essential vitamins including vitamins A, B-1, D, E & K. Mixes easily with water. (Natural - Belgium).
- contains vitamin B1, digestion of fats and carbohydrates
- contains vitamin D for a strong skeleton
- contains vitamin A for the development of young birds (combats infections and parasites)
- contains vitamin E for the proper functioning of muscles and the nervous system, positive effect on fertility.
- vitamin K prevents coagulation problems
Naturavit Plus guarantees a balanced supply of the entire range of vitamins, including the following, essential ones:
• vitamin B1, which permits the degradation of fatty acids and carbohydrates. The heightened metabolism of the pigeon, particularly during the racing season, highlights the enormous importance of this vitamin.
• vitamin D, which plays an important part in the regulation of the phosphocalcium metabolism. This vitamin is necessary in the formation of the skeleton.
• vitamin A, is essential for the growth of young pigeons and has anti-infectious and anti-parasitic effect.
• vitamin E, which is indispensable to optimal muscle and nerve function with a positive influence on fertility.
• vitamin K, is anti-haemorrhagic. The diet of pigeons kept in aviaries should be enriched with this vitamin.
Naturavit Plus is wholly soluble in water and pleasant-tasting. Naturavit Plus allows a rapid and complete absorption of vitamins by the pigeon. Regular administration of Naturavit Plus protects the pigeon against avitaminosis and will result in maximum racing performances.
Naturavit Plus is a multi-vitamin complex of outstanding quality and stability. It is manufactured and guaranteed by “DSM”.
- During the breeding and Moulting season: 1 measure of Naturavit Plus per 2 litres of drinking water 1 day per week.
- During the Racing Season: 1 measure of Naturavit Plus per 1 litre of drinking water preferably 2 days before the day of basketing.
After a difficult fly it is advisable to mix 1 measure of Naturavit Plus per litre of drinking water, the day after the pigeons returned.
- After any treatment of a Disease, 1 measure of Naturavit Plus per litre of drinking water during 3 days.
- 500ml bottle